Ponies, Poo, and Gravel

When I was in high-school I was a member of Pony Club. Not to be confused with ‘Saddle Club’ the children’s show:

Pony Club was a riding club for local riders below the age of 25. Apart from the monthly meeting and events, one of the best parts of pony club was the annual camp every Easter. I rode at this camp from year 8-11 and made some great friends and learned a lot. For this reason one of the things I’ve done while at vet school is go back to the camp to share some information about horse health and horse care to the 250-odd riders at the camp. From toddlers to 25 year-olds I was covering topics such as bandaging, feeding, dentistry, laminitis, colic and taking vital signs.

When I wasn’t teaching I was worming horses, treating conjuctivitis, checking horses before and after exercise, and having the difficult task of telling a young boys and girls that their week at camp was over because their pony was just too sore to ride… Those difficult times were definitely made up for by the fun I had teaching. Anybody who works with children knows that they come up with some gems, this is the story of one of my favourites:

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