Getting In

The morning I got accepted to Vet School is one I will never forget.

It was early January in 2011 and I had just recently gotten back from spending a few weeks with my grandparents in central Queensland on their fruit farm over Christmas.  After a few days of alternating between the pool and the beach, the holiday period was winding up. My diet needed to begin changing from prawns, wine, and mangoes back to regular food like ‘salad’ and ‘vegetables’…

The shock of being removed from this tropical paradise and my battles with travel fatigue meant that I spent the night before I received my acceptance letter I was fighting a battle between sleep deprivation and nervousness This left me in a zombie-like state, and I ended up watching Disney Channel re-runs until the early hours of the morning! Eventually I succumbed to sleep so deeply that I completely forgotten what day it was when I woke up – so I carried on like a normal holiday morning. So much so that I was sitting in my parent’s room saying good morning when my mother said off-hand:

“So Zach… when do you find out about whether or not you get in”

“huh” I grunted in my typical teenage vocabulary, preoccupied with thoughts of breakfast – and then it hit me! “Bloody hell! Why didn’t you tell me earlier!!! Oh  my god oh my god oh my god!!”

I ran out of the room down to my bedroom, pulled out my laptop – which had barely been touched since final exams – and in all of 2 minutes I’d pulled up my email account and had hit refresh half a dozen times. It was 8:57 in the morning. Results were due for release at 9:00 AM. What followed were the longest 3 minutes of my life.

My blood was pounding in my ears as I hit refresh over and over again. Each time giving me an adrenalin rush like jumping over dozens of cliffs, except each cliff had the potential to change my life. After what seemed like an eternity, 9:00 came around, and after some more frantic refreshing my inbox held a message from the university admissions centre with this message (yes I still have the screenshot):


What happened next is something that I am not proud of. I screamed.

“I got IIIINNNNNNN! I got in I got in I got in I got in!!!” resounded throughout the house for the next half an hour. Then the phone calls, texts, emails, and of course the Facebook update which I’m fairly certain sums up my mood at the time quite well:

Once I’d recovered from my excitement, I refreshed the page one more time just to make sure; and I began the mental packing and planning for what was to become the biggest adventure of my life…

3 thoughts on “Getting In

  1. I remember the feeling of getting in to the vet school (also in 2011). The best decision of my life. It is true what they say – find a job you love and you’ll never have to work again. Do you also have to choose if you want to work with large animals, horses or small animals? OR do you specialize in all fields?


    • At the moment I don’t need to make a decision – we are studying absolutely everything (including kangaroos, because – Australia).
      I am torn because I like working in a huge range of areas from emergency medicine for small animals right through to public health, so it’s difficult for me to narrow my focus… What about where you study?


      • Yes, it is my dream to work also in Australia in the future. For some period of time. I’m really interested in wild animals, but here we can’t study that. I’ve been working in Tallinn Zoo with elephants, but that is about it. I feel like here people have some goal from the beginning – most of my friends have known what they’ll be from the beginning and therefore placing most of their interest and energy in some certain field (for example horses, small animals, public health, etc). I currently study in University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Originally in Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia.


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